Monday, February 16, 2009


Last week, I don't have weekend at all. I am sooo tired today but it worth it. Because I attend a seminar 'AKU DILAHIRKAN BERJAYA', by my part time company. How grateful I am. Actually, the day before this seminar, I had some issues with my mom, I was sooo sad. My mom I ask me, what actually your GOAL in life. Honestly, at that exact time, I don't know what my GOAL in this life. Before this, I'm quite sure, but after my mom asked me, I'm not sure and I even don't know what.

But, I pray that nite. Seeking for ALLAH help....and whooosh the next day, ALLAH helped me.....ALHAMDULILLAHI RABBILALAMIIIN.

There are four main topics:

1- Siapakah saya?
2- Dimanakah saya?
3- Ke manakah Tujuan saya?
4- Bagaimanakah capai Tujuan saya?

Every session, the fasi, En Mior will relate this to QURAN, betapa ALLAH itu sangat berkuasa.

And the presentation is followed by music that will touch your soul. Really, I don't realize the time because it is too overwhelming.

Also we learn the song demi matahari with the dance, I really like this song, it is the translation of Surahtul Syams.

I was soo grateful that ALLAH gave me this opportunity, because working is really a boring routine. You need motivation to boost up your energy again. Now, I know what I really want from my works, my study and the most important thing is my Life.

People are not different, every people is the same despite the physical appearances. ALLAH create people with 4 basics foundation.

Physical-your outer body parts
Intelectual-your AKAL

You and I look like this
All this while, we have been thought how to do SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threat) even in the business subject. But, what we missed is the rite technique and tips to do this so you get the clear picture on the SWOT you make. And this can be used to achieve your goal in life. I really hope that all people can attend this seminar. It change the way I look on this life, that I'm born to be a GREAT PERSON.

Group discussion

Our group is the third group and guess what, we won

Girls of ECR

Girls of ECR

Kak Qyn - thank you for giving me a ride to the Monterez Golf Club

Shima - Help me a lot on accounting and writing my cheque

Mazla - who always asks me to join ECR activities although I'm only a part timer and not to forget to make an appointment with the boss

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Harun Din Sanggah HarussaniKhalil Idham Lim Monday, 09 February 2009 (Wasilah Online)

Golongan alim ulama di Negara ini harus bersikap adil di samping memihak hanya kepada Islam dalam menyelesaikan sesuatu isu apa lagi mengeluarkan kenyataan berbaur politik Timbalan Mursyidul Am, Dato’ Dr Haron Din, menyifatkan kenyataan Mufti Perak, Dato' Seri Harussani Zakaria, yang mengeluarkan kenyataan sesiapa tidak taat kepada pemerintah dianggap derhaka dilihat sebagai tidak menepati tugasnya sebagai Mufti yang hanya wajib memihak pada Islam dan bukannya pada mana-mana individu apa lagi untuk kepentingan politik.
Menurutnya, tindakan sedemikian hanya akan mengundang kekeliruan di kalangan masyarakat, kerana golongan ulama merupakan rujukan utama masyarakat dalam masaalah agama. Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas berhubung kenyataan mufti berkenaan yang didakwa sedemikian sebagai merujuk tindakan Menteri Besar Perak, Dato' Seri Muhammad Nizar, yang enggan melepaskan jawatannya sebagai menteri besar.
Harussani baru-baru ini mendakwa, sesiapa yang tidak taat kepada pemerintah ataupun Raja yang memerintah sesebuah negeri, orang itu dianggap derhaka. Beliau berkata demikian selepas merasmikan majlis penutup Kursus Kepimpinan Dakwah Halaqat, anjuran kerajaan negeri dengan kerjasama Unit Dakwah Halaqat, Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Kelantan, di Putik, di sini semalam. "Mufti Perak telah menyatakan pendapatnya, tetapi tidak pernah berlaku seumpamanya sebelum ini di mana Mufti telah memihak pada mana-mana parti politik. Sepatutnya sebagai orang yang diberi tanggungjawab menjaga kepentingan agama, Mufti tidak seharusnya terjebak dalam kancah politik, selain hanya memihak kepada kebenaran Islam yang satu," ujarnya lagi.
Haron Din, seterusnya memberitahu kenyataan Mufti sedemikian jelas menampakkan ianya kurang bijak dalam memberikan pandangannya berhubung kemelut politik di Perak. Ketika berucap pada majlis itu beliau merujuk pada sejarah Islam bagaimana seorang alim ulama yang masyhur Izzudin Abdul Salam yang berani menyatakan kebenarannya walaupun di hadapan sultan sehingga beliau akhirnya dibuang daerah. Menurutnya, "keberanian ulama di zaman ini amat diperlukan khususnya untuk menangani kegawatan suasana politik dunia dan tempatan yang semakin meruncing. Hanya ulama sejati yang berani mengeluarkan kenyataan yang benar walaupun sedar diri terpaksa berhadapan dengan sebarang kemungkinan, " ujarnya lagi.
Ok peeps, when you make a statement, especially you are influences people, you have to be extra careful. Public may understood a dfferent way. This TAAT can be the same as to your mother, you must TAAT your mother as long as its not contradict with the Syariah. If you don't TAAT your mother, you will be sinful, but if you TAAT your mother by doing something versus ISLAM, then you will be sinful too.
Remember the formula. Have a nice day.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sometimes I wondering,

Why is it sooo hard to forgive and forget,

People always said forgive and forget, but they don't teach how,

But one thing I know, if you don't forget, the bruised wouldn't go away,

It will be remain there forever,

But life is too short you see,

Its better to forget and get on with your life,

how to forget, let me teach you,

TAQARRUB ILALLAH, be near to HIM, Get closed to him

One step you get close to ALLAH, thousands steps HE will get close to you

Believe me, try it, you'll feel it

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mari kita mengembara

Kembara bukan sebarang kembara

Demi mu Palestine, ku mengembara

Memberi kebenaran, apa yang berlaku di sana

Agar masyarakat Malaysia tidak lupa dan leka dengan tipu helah 'MEREKA'


Kita pejuang palestine.....INSYALLAH

Ms Palestine and tentera2nya

Bersama Syaheed