Sunday, October 11, 2009


Last entry as a single woman.....

It will be 4 more days to go before I am officially call as Pn Nadiah.....feeling????...I have a mix feeling inside...honestly.......but the most important thing is that I want to find redha ALLAH and one noble way to do is by marriage and having soleh/ah children....insyaALLAH.

Most of the preparations are almost ready only praise to ALLAH....the most gracious of all...although I have to admit that sometimes I felt down....but ALLAH always know how to ease me and of course I have to always remember that the nikah is the noblest thing to do in this world.......allahumma solli ala muhammad.

Pray for me, my dear friends....and to my "future leader" to be....lend me your hand and guide me in finding Redha ALLAH as the Jannah awaits for those people who goals are only to find redha ALLAH in everything they do in this world....wallahualam


NurMeL said...


I'Allah,kami akn doakan smoge smuanyer bjalan mngikut ape yg drancang mudah2an Amin...

Take care ;)

nadiahazhari said...

thank you NurMel and wish you all the best also....for the newbies.....hehehehehe

Y said...

Tahniah Puan Nadiah ^_^

Frust x dpt hadir akad hari ni.

Moga lancar semuanya insyaALLAH!

[Jumaat. Indera Kayangan]

wanderfulmadnificent said...

tak sabar jugak :p