Monday, February 22, 2010

Life updates.......


What should i update on my life here in my blog......emmm, nothing much i guess....but one thing that i would do almost every time in the office is blog hop on recipe blog one after another. Its kind of my hobby now, admiring the recipe and not to forget the drooling pictures of the food....especially if i'm fasting on that day. But, i'm a bit picky on the recipe....will only choose the easiest and simplest recipe to try on.

Maybe my enthusiasm on my new hobby is relating to the motivation to cook for my family. To please a husband is through his stomache rite.....and mom's food is the best. This is also much related to the cleanliness and healthiness of the food that you cook. Of course at home we clean every inch of the chicken and fish we cook. And we reduce the amount of cholesterol consume by using olive oil and reduce the oil in cooking. We try our best to eat healthy food but sometime i couldn't deny that I crave to eat outside. And we will choose to eat something that I couldn't cook so that it's value for the money.

Last weekend, I received first visitor to our little home. And its make me very happy. Who else, its my BFFJ of course(my parents and brothers and also my PIL had already came for a few times). And we all made sphaghetti meatballs. Guess where do I got the recipe, in the internet from blog hop.......I'am very happy and would like them to come again.....

when a visitor come to your house they brings rahmah along, when they
leave they will took your sins along

So, this coming saturday, we will make a kenduri kesyukuran just for the family first. I will cook for 20 persons food. Hopefully, my hands are not trembling and shaking and above all, sume org dpt makan dgn kenyang......hehehe.....doakan ye.


wanderfulmadnificent said...

i will always always be your no 1 fan in terms of cooking! you are an inspiration nad dearie! *hugs!*

and of course, your husband is soooo lucky to have you!

zmk said...

yeah.. ur my masak2 idol..

me havent started yet.. need more inspiration..hehehe...

cyanamoose said...

nad dear... jgn lupa post pic... dengar jek dh tertelan air liur nie.. hehe.

good luck dear! u can do it!

alQasam said...

Askum Nad,


Me too love bloghopping on blog's recipe. Tapi nad takde comment pun on my cheese cake's inquires.

Now I remembered masa early days of my marriage nak jemput kawan-kawan suami iftor. I was like attacked by a nervous breakdown.LOL. Masak nasi tomato, then lepas tu cuba jemput ramai orang sikit, masa nasi ayam,d dessert etc. Yang paling cubaan berani mati raya baru ni. Masak untuk hampir 50 orang. Jiran-jiran dan sahabat-sahabat dan students. Lepas tu, kira ok sikit jemput pelajar-pelajar makan kat rumah.

I think when someone love our cooking no matter its taste bad or not, it do inspired us to do more for the loved one isn't it?


alQasam said...

Btw: Nad, do share the cooking or the pic with us (I am not listed on the BFFJ I think. I never had. :)