Notice that my blog has been privatised for a few days.....and now it has been open again to public.
I'm thinking again and again, is my action correct......and why do I blog at the first place?
Why should I privatised my blog and not publicized it. Only when there is people said something and which is correct.....I shut the door and lock myself from the world.
I want to thank to the anonymous guest that made me realized that I have to improve myself. Lots of things I need to correct and my time to death is nearer and nearer(we are getting older, ain’t we). At first, of course I felt angry, sad and inferior. But today, I'm realized that the 'guest' is doing dakwah and that’s what a Khalifah should do. ALLAH sends me HIS message through him/her.
Life is all about choices and human who is given the 'Aqal from ALLAH need to make the wise choice. Hence, with all the Syaitan and Nafsu that are much stronger than The IMAN, we often ended up choosing the wrong. However, ALLAH the ALMIGHTY and the MOST GENEROUS to HIS servant, always send reminder through tribulation and Mehnah, from other people or events.
I always given advice and I used to it……maybe it’s the nature of me. Since, I’m the eldest in the family, always be the head in the class or the organization. I almost get used to it and when somebody said something that what I did is wrong, it’s really hit me. But, like I said before……through times….I’ll rationalized what happened. When I read a book, called Ya Ayyuhal Walad, wasiat from IMAM GHAZALI…..beware of advising people, especially, how proud we are each time we advising.
I’m really appreciated what you did and keep the noble work, keep ‘Dakwah’ people around you (anonymous guest). This message is for all my readers too……at this time…..Dakwah is not an option, Dakwah is a must and lets pray that we are one of the people who do this job.
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